Accessibility at the Airport
Eppley Airfield strives to make air travel accessible for all. Before you arrive, here are a few things you may want to know.
- As part of the BuildOMA Terminal Drive & Canopy Project, the passenger pick-up and drop-off area has moved to the Level 1 of the South Garage. Travelers with disabilities can use the new pick-up and drop-off area or they may use the lane that is designated for commercial vehicles when available. For additional assistance, please contact the Airport Communications Center at 402-661-8100. There are signs in the new pick-up and drop-off area with this phone number. See the passenger pick-up and drop-off map for directions.
- For security reasons, motorists are not allowed to park or wait in their vehicles in the South Garage Level 1 pick-up/drop-off area or along the front drive except to briefly load and unload passengers. During the process, the driver MUST remain with the vehicle. There are two cell phone waiting lots just north and south of the terminal building.
- Customers with disabilities using ride app services are permitted to use the commercial vehicle curbside for pick-up and drop-off when available. These customers should communicate the need for this option with the vehicle driver.
- Uniformed airport police officers are always on duty in the pick-up/drop-off areas and can be contacted for assistance in obtaining special needs services.
- In Eppley Airfield’s ParkOMA parking garages, handicap parking stalls are on each floor, both on the north end and the south end, next to the elevator lobbies.
- North and South Economy also have handicap parking stalls near the exit and next to the shuttle bus waiting shelters, respectively.
- Some of the parking lot shuttle busses are equipped with mechanical wheelchair lifts. Call ParkOMA at 402-346-2466 for inquiries or requests for assistance.
- For customers traveling with service animals, there is a Service Animal Relief Area located at the north end of the ground level of South Garage marked with signs. There are no exercise areas available once you enter the Terminal.
- Prior to your trip, contact your airline and indicate that you will need assistance.
- For additional handicap information and wheelchair assistance, we suggest that you contact your airlines’ wheelchair attendant service in advance of your arrival regarding the services that are available once you arrive at Eppley Airfield. For Alaska, Allegiant, American, Delta, Frontier, and Southwest, contact Prime Flight Aviation Services at their local dispatch number 402-676-1563. For United, contact GAT at their local dispatch number 402-943-5944.
- The Airport’s Communication Center can also be reached at 402-661-8100 (8100 on red courtesy phone) for assistance.
For General Airport Assistance
Call the Airport Communications Center at 402-661-8100.
For Parking Assistance
Call the ParkOMA office at 402-346-2466.
Helpful Hints and Services
For those traveling with specific needs, here are some helpful hints and services.
For individuals with cognitive or developmental disabilities like autism, traveling can be stressful and anxiety-inducing. The Autism Action Partnership developed this social narrative to help guide travelers through the most common processes at the airport that some may find challenging.
Learn more about the Autism Action Partnership by clicking here.
- Contact your airline and indicate that you may need assistance.
- Seven video relay service kiosks are located throughout the terminal and concourses for those using sign language wishing to communicate with voice telephone users. The kiosks can be found on the terminal maps.
- TTY/TDD telephone instruments are located in the following five areas of the terminal building: (1) lower level central next to Gate 21 hallway, (2) upper level north and south ends close to the escalators, (3) Concourse A and B in boarding gate areas.
- Visual paging appears on monitors in the public areas next to flight information displays.
- For relay operator assistance dial 1-800-833-7352 or 711 or follow instructions where posted.
- Contact your airline and indicate that you may need assistance.
- Eppley Airfield is an Aira Access Location. Aira is a service that uses a smartphone app to connect blind and low-vision people to highly trained, remotely-located agents who deliver objective visual information. As an Aira Access Location, the Omaha Airport Authority provides free Aira service while you are visiting Eppley Airfield.
- Aira can help with any of the following, and more:
- Navigating to security
- Navigating to the check-in counter
- Enhancing efficiency while shopping
- Finding your gate
- Finding your seat on the plane
- Signing up as a Guest with Aira is free. You can sign up here: to get the free app for iPhone or Android. Then, when you enter Eppley’s Terminal, or any other Aira airport, you’ll receive a notification letting you know that the service is free. Need more information on Aira? Visit For relay operator assistance dial 1-800-833-7352 or 711 or follow instructions where posted.
If you are in need of a language interpreter, call the Airport’s Communication Center from a red courtesy phone at 8100 and ask for the AT&T language line services.
Eppley Airfield is a member of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program.
What is the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program?
These accessories discreetly signify to employees any passenger that may need extra assistance. Hidden disabilities are not visible and can include dementia, mental health conditions, visual impairments, chronic conditions, autism, hearing loss, etc. Anyone who feels they have a hidden disability can request one – there are no prerequisites for asking for or wearing an item and the nature of the disability does not need to be disclosed.
Where can I pick up a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower item at Eppley Airfield?
Adults and children traveling through the airport can pick up a special sunflower lanyard, button, or bracelet at the Airport Information booth located pre-security across from baggage claims on the first floor of the terminal.
While the program allows the airport community to provide an extra level of customer service care, wearing a lanyard does not guarantee fast-tracking through security or any other priority access. Passengers are still required to arrange any special assistance needed with TSA Cares and their respective airline directly.
Learn more about the Sunflower Program in this video.
Contact ADA/Section 504 Coordinator
- The Omaha Airport Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
- The Omaha Airport Authority does not discriminate against people with disabilities in accordance with 49 Section 27.123(a) and with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- The Omaha Airport Authority’s ADA and Section 504 Coordinator is Dan Owens, Director of Planning and Engineering – 402-661-8000, [email protected].
- ADA grievance procedures are available upon request in person at the business office or by mail/fax at contact information in the footer. They are also available at the lower level Welcome to Omaha Information Desks.
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- Automatic License Plate Recognition Disclosure
- Nondiscrimination: Title VI
- Commercial Ground Transportation
- Accessibility
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